Hazelett Strip-Casting Corporation's leadership in the field of continuous metals casting is the culmination of the Hazelett family's involvement in continuous casting going back four generations.
Clarence W. Hazelett
As one of the early pioneers in the field of continuous metals casting, Clarence W. Hazelett worked tirelessly designing and developing continuous casting machines from 1919 until his death in 1956. His groundbreaking work has been recognized in numerous worldwide patents and technical publications.
Original continuous strip casting line
In 1924, he established the Hazelett Storage Battery Company, the first commercial continuous metals casting and processing company in the world, using a twin-roll caster and in-line stamping to produce lead grids for automotive batteries. His ultimate vision, the Hazelett® twin-belt caster, was invented in 1948 and continues to evolve and revolutionize the production of metal strip and bar today.
R. William Hazelett
R. William “Bill” Hazelett and S. Richard “Dick” Hazelett carried on the work of their father, founding Hazelett Strip-Casting Corporation in 1956 and moving the company from Connecticut to its present facilities located just outside of Burlington, Vermont.
Bill, president from 1956 to 2009, built the company into one of the world's leading continuous casting machine manufacturers before handing the reins over to his son David.
There are over 60 patents in Bill's name and he was personally responsible for many of the advancements that allowed the company to maintain its competitive edge.
David N. Hazelett
David Hazelett has guided the company through periods of significant volatility in the metals industry. Today, the company is stronger and more technically capable than ever. David's vision is for Hazelett to offer the most cost-effective and environmentally friendly metals casting technology in the world.
In September 2020, long-time rolling mill partner, Mino S.p.A. became a shareholder in the company, enabling a period of intensified research and development.
In December 2021, Hazelett became a member of the EBNER Group through EBNER's acquisition of a majority interest in the company, and an exciting new journey began. As a member of the Group, Hazelett will be more capable of meeting the challenges of constantly improving and remaining innovative.
The shared experience and expertise of EBNER and Hazelett will continue their stories of success.